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Legal - Candidate privacy notice

Candidate Privacy Notice

If you are a school or centre offering Cambridge programmes, please ensure that you provide your candidates with this Notice.

1) Who are we?

  • cupa shield iconWe are Cambridge University Press & Assessment, but you may know us as Cambridge. Everyone at Cambridge wants you to know that your personal information is in safe hands.
  • spacerThis Privacy Notice is for candidates and learners. It explains what information about you we collect, what we do with it, and how you can control it.
  • spacerWe may also use some of your personal information on behalf of your school, exam centre, college or university. Please contact your organisation directly to understand how they use your personal information.
  • spacerIf you are browsing our Site, we have a different privacy notice which you can find here.

2) How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about how we handle your personal information, we would love to hear from you.

  • email iconEmail us at: [email protected]
  • write email iconWrite to us at: Privacy Team at Cambridge University Press & Assessment, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA, United Kingdom
  • clock iconPlease read this Notice carefully. It will take about 10–15 minutes if you read the whole Privacy Notice.

3) What information do we collect & why do we use it?

  • what information we collect iconWe collect technical, contact, exam, communication and other information about you. We do this if you:
      • use our website, contact us or give us feedback
      • register for or take an exam or other assessment
      • sign up to receive news, updates or other marketing
  • spacerWe use your information to provide our services to you, for things that are important to us (like providing exam and assessment services to your school or exam centre), to comply with the law, and (if we need it) your consent.


user information collected iconWe collect your personal information:


If you use our website

  • what information we collect iconWe collect: Whether you're just browsing or you create an account, we will automatically collect:
  • spacerTechnical information
  • spacerTechnical information may include:
      • phone number
      • Internet Protocol (IP) address
      • login information (social log-in ID/email address)
      • browser type and version (and browser plug-in types and versions)
      • device IDs
      • operating system
      • hardware version
      • device settings (e.g. language and time zone)
      • time zone setting
      • file & software names and types (associated with your device and/or the Site)
      • information relating to your mobile operator or Internet Service Provider (ISP)
      • Information about your visit
  • spacerInformation about your visit may include:
      • full Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
      • clickstream to, through and from our Site (including date and time)
      • pages and services you viewed or searched for
      • demographic information (including age and gender)
      • page response times
      • download errors
      • length of visits to certain pages
      • page interaction information (like scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs)
      • traceable campaign links (e.g. in emails or via tracking URLs)
      • methods used to browse away from the page
      • any phone number used to call our customer service number, or social media handle used to connect with our customer service team and our social media accounts
      • Location information
  • spacerWe may ask for your location via cookies or your device settings. Your location might mean us checking what country or region you are in using any of the following:
      • the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of your location
      • your full or partial IP address
      • your device ID (If you use Apple: your Identifier for Advertisers (IFA) code, or if you use Android your Android ID, or a similar device identifier)
  • spacerIf you agree to share your location with us, we'll use this to deliver location-specific content, advertising or other services, like checking for fraudulent transactions.
  • spacerWe may combine your location information with your device ID, so we can recognise your browser or device when you return to our Site.


  • we use this to iconWe use this to:
    • tick iconensure content from our Site is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device
    • tick iconunderstand how we can improve our Site and our services
    • tick iconuse data analytics to improve our Site, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences
  • why we do this iconWhy we do this:
    • tick iconit is important for us to continually learn and improve (and we balance this with your rights)
    • tick iconfor any cookies which aren't necessary for our Site to operate, with your consent.
  • spacerOur Cookie Notice explains more about how our Site uses cookies and device identifiers.


If you register for or take an exam or other assessment with us
  • what information we collect iconWe collect information from you: Contact information, account information sensitive (health, biometric, and diversity) information and in some cases, payment information.
  • spacerContact information includes:
      • first and last name
      • email address
      • school/home/work postal address
      • phone number(s)
  • spacerAccount information includes:
      • log-in information (username or similar identifier, passcode)
      • date of birth
      • gender (optional)
      • employment and education history, including any qualifications which you have
  • spacerSensitive information includes: 
      • Health information, for example any disability or specific assessment requirements
      • Biometric information, for example fingerprints or facial recognition
      • Diversity information, such as racial and ethnic background
  • spacerPayment information includes: 
      • bank account or payment card details
      • transaction history, with your past payments and purchases from us
  • spacerIf you make a payment via our Site, your payment information will be provided directly to our payment provider. We won't see your bank account or payment card details. Information you supply directly is not within our control and is subject to their own privacy notice or policy and terms and conditions. 


  • spacerWe receive information from others:
  • spacerYour school, centre or other educational institution may provide us with any of the contact information, account information, or sensitive (health, biometric, and diversity) information described above.
  • spacerWe may also receive your personal information from:
      • Governmental departments and designated bodies (for example, the Department for Education and the Higher Education Statistics Agency)
      • Other examination boards, where it is necessary for appeals or malpractice investigations
      • Government agencies using our services on your behalf
      • Employers and/or universities confirming your qualifications
      • University and Colleges Application Service (UCAS)
  • spacerWe use this to, manage our relationship with you, including to:
      • register you as new candidate (including verifying who you are) and manage our relationship with you
      • update you about technical changes or other service updates (for example, if we update our Terms)
      • ask you for feedback and manage complaints
  • spacerProvide our assessment and qualifications services, including to:
      • develop and deliver academic and vocational qualifications/programmes, exams and assessments
      • develop assessment materials (such as exam questions and marking guidelines)
      • collect, mark and grade exam scripts
      • issue awards and certificates
      • support your school, centre or educational institution, and administer systems used to support these processes
      • provide Ofqual-regulated assessments
      • monitor the performance of people and organisations involved in the provision of our academic and vocational qualifications
      • investigate any assessment-related malpractice allegations
  • spacerManage our business, including to: 
      • develop and deliver publications and other resources to support learning for our academic and vocational qualifications, including:
      • carrying out education and qualification delivery research, standard setting and other activities to ensure we deliver a high standard of service and protect candidates
      • understanding candidates' and exam/ qualification service users' needs
      • training individuals (such as teachers and examiners) to use and manage our services
      • administer our services and our internal business, including: understanding and protecting ourselves from risks, protecting personal information we hold, internal record-keeping and carrying out business checks
      • use data analytics to develop insights, and to improve our Site, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences, including combining and anonymising individuals' information
  • we use this to iconWe use sensitive information to: 
    • tick iconHealth: provide you with appropriate assessment facilities, including making any accommodations you require. It is unlikely, but we may also need to use and share this information if you have a medical emergency
    • tick iconBiometric: verify your identity, including in online examinations
    • tick iconDiversity: information for equal opportunity monitoring
  • why we do this iconWhy we do this:
    • tick iconit is part of a contract we've agreed to with you
    • tick iconit is important for us because it's part of a contract we have agreed with your school, centre or educational institution
    • tick iconit is important for us to manage our business and our Site
    • tick iconit is important for us to help you use Cambridge, and to understand how we can improve
    • tick iconit is in the public interest 
    • tick iconwe have to comply with the law
  • spacerIf we use sensitive information about you (for example, to make assessment accommodations), we will do this with your explicit consent.


If you contact us or give us feedback
  • what information we collect iconWe collect: If you contact or engage with us, we will collect your contact information and communications information.
  • spacerContact information you provide when you get in touch, for example:
      • first and last name
      • email address
      • billing and delivery address
      • phone number(s)
      • social media handle
  • spacerCommunications information includes the content of your conversations with us – for example, if you get in touch to ask us about an exam. This includes:
      • emails
      • texts, in-app messaging & other digital messaging
      • calls
      • letters
      • survey responses
      • any in-person conversations you have with us
      • any interests, preferences and feedback you provide
  • we use this to iconWe use this to:
    • tick iconreply to you, including answering any questions and troubleshooting any issues you may have with our Site or our services
    • tick iconadminister any forms or surveys you complete
  • why we do this iconWhy we do this
    • tick iconit is important for us to help you use Cambridge, and to understand how we can improve
    • tick iconit is part of a contract we've agreed to with you
If you sign up to receive news, updates or other marketing from us
  • what information we collect iconWe collect: Contact information and marketing preferences
  • spacerContact information includes the contact information you provide when you get in touch, for example:
      • first and last name
      • email address
      • billing and delivery address
      • phone number(s)
      • social media handle
  • spacerMarketing preferences include:
      • if you have opted-in to marketing or out of marketing
      • any specific marketing preferences
  • we use this to iconWe use this to:
    • tick iconsend you direct marketing, includes news, updates, or asking you to complete a survey
  • why we do this iconWhy we do this:
    • tick iconIf we provide you with marketing material, we do this with your consent
    • tick iconIf you are or work for a business, we do this because it is important to us to grow or manage our business, or with your consent
    • tick iconWe also do this to comply with the law
  • legal reasons iconIf you are in the UK or the EU, we must have a good reason for each way we use your personal information. This is the 'Why we do this'.
  • spacerThese reasons include consent, a contract with you, complying with our legal obligations, public interest and things that are important to us.


What does each legal reason mean?
  • rights iconConsent
  • spacerWe'll use your personal information to send you marketing if you have consented (where required by law).
  • spacerYou can opt-out of marketing at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in any marketing we send.
  • spacerWe also use consent for some of our cookies (see our Cookie Notice for more detail).


  • key documents iconContract
  • spacerWe use your personal information to carry out an agreement you have with us (for example, our Terms), or if you ask us to do something so you can make an agreement with us.
  • spacerWe may send you service updates based on your agreement with us (for example, details of the examination you have registered for).
  • legal reasons iconLegal compliance
  • spacerWe may need to use your personal information to comply with our legal obligations and/or any court orders.
  • why iconOther things that are important to us:
  • spacerWe may use your personal information if we need it for things that are important to us or another organisation, as long we balance this with your rights and interests.
  • spacerThings that are important to us include:
  • spacerFulfilling agreements with other organisations:
      • Complying with any agreement we may have with school, centre or other educational institution you attend, are part of, work for or provide services to
      • Enforcing or applying our Terms or other agreements with you or with an organisation you work for or provide services to
  • spacerAdministering & improving:
      • Getting your feedback and reviews
      • Providing and improving our Site, products and services
      • Implementing and improving our security measures
      • Growing our business and informing our marketing strategy
  • spacerMarketing & advertising:
      • Marketing and promoting Cambridge to an organisation you work for or provide services to
      • Measuring or understanding the effectiveness of our advertising, and showing you relevant advertising (including when you visit other websites)
  • spacerIf you would like more information about how we balance our interests and your rights, please contact us.
  • public interest iconPublic interest
  • spacerWe may use your personal information for tasks which are in the public interest – for example, providing Ofqual-regulated assessments.
  • medical emergency iconMedical emergency
  • spacerIt's very unlikely, but we may need to use your personal information (including health information) if you have a medical emergency during an exam. We will only share your information if it is necessary, for example with your exam proctor or with medical professionals.

5) Who do we share your information with?

  • share information iconWe may share your personal information with other parts of Cambridge, our service providers and professional advisors, our business partners, our academic and educational partners (including your school, college or university) or if we are legally required to.
  • spacerWe may share your personal information with:
      • any member of our group, which means the other parts and departments of the University of Cambridge, including our and their subsidiary companies
      • your parent or guardian, where there is a legal reason to do so (for example, if you are under 18)
      • your school, exam centre or educational institution, including examiners
      • the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), colleges, universities, potential employers and other organisations, to support candidates' applications
      • our research partners including other parts of Cambridge and the University of Cambridge
      • our service providers, organisations who support the services we offer through the Site and only process your personal information on our behalf, following our instructions and data protection law. Service providers help us with things like:
  • spacer
      • website and data hosting
      • website analytics and search engine providers
      • managing marketing lists
      • sending emails and other correspondence
      • customer service and feedback
      • invoicing and payment processing
      • credit reference agencies (only if we need your credit score for our due diligence checks)
      • IT support
  • spacerOur service providers will only use your information to provide their services to us.
      • our auditorslegal advisers and other professional advisers
      • anyone that we must disclose information to in order to protect our rights, property, or safety, our customers, or other third parties, and to enforce our rights under this Privacy Notice or under any agreement (for example, our Terms) with you. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of detecting and preventing fraud, credit risk and cyber-crime
      • if required to do so under a court order or if we are (or believe we are) under a duty to comply with any legal obligation 

6) Where do we store your information?

  • location iconCambridge is based in the United Kingdom. We are a global organisation with offices around the world, so we may need to transfer your information outside of the UK:
      • to store it, and so we can provide our Site and services to you
      • where we are legally required to do so
  • spacerWe may also store your information with third parties who work with us to help us to provide our services to you.
  • spacerIf we transfer your information internationally, we will make sure your information is legally protected.

7) How do we protect your information?

  • protect your information iconYou're in safe hands. We protect your information in various technical, organisational, and contractual ways:
      • we use technical security measures (for example, end-to-end encryption or multi-factor authentication)
      • we take steps to make sure that only people who need to use your data have access to it, and that the people at Cambridge handling your data understand how to use it responsibly and keep it safe
      • we require our service providers to contractually promise to take steps to protect the personal information we give them (including limiting the information we share and requiring confidentiality commitments)
  • external link iconWe may link to other websites (including apps). The websites will have their own privacy notice or policy, which you should read before using or sharing personal information with the site.
  • spacerWe are not responsible for these websites, any content on them, or their policies and notices. A link does not mean we endorse the views of the linked website. We have no control over the availability of any of these websites.

9) How long do we keep your information for?

  • keep your information iconWe usually don't keep your information for any longer than we need to, but we might keep it for longer if we need to fix an issue or keep records.
  • spacerWe will usually keep personal information for as long it is needed for the original reasons we collected it (for example, for as long as you have an account with us), but we might keep it for longer if we need to fix an issue or keep records.
  • spacerWe keep exam and assessment results indefinitely for our candidates who may need to show what results they were awarded many years after taking an exam and because we have a public duty to maintain a record of the results we award.
  • spacerWe may keep your personal information for longer:
      • if you complain (so we keep our complaint records for long enough)
      • if we know about pending or current legal proceedings, or reasonably believe there is a chance of legal proceedings
      • in some circumstances, if applicable law says we are required to
      • if it is necessary for research purposes
  • spacerIf you opt-in to marketing from us and later change your mind (or object to any other use of your personal information), we may keep a record of your preferences for longer so we can continue to respect them.
  • spacerWe may combine and anonymise individuals' information, and we may keep anonymised information indefinitely – including for archiving, research or statistical purposes.

10) How can you control your personal information?

  • rights to information iconYou may have rights over your personal information (just so you know, these rights may not apply 100% of the time). Please ask us and we would be happy to help
  • spacerYou may have the right to:
      • find out what information we hold about you
      • ask us to provide you with a copy of your information
      • ask us to make changes to your information
      • ask us to correct, delete, limit or stop using your information
      • ask us to move your information to a third party
      • change your mind about us holding your information (or sending you marketing)
  • spacerThese rights are not absolute – if a right doesn't apply, or only applies to some of your information or some of the things we do with it, we'll let you know as part of our reply to you.
  • spacerIf you would like to exercise any of these rights over your information, you can contact us at [email protected].
  • spacerOur Data Protection Officer is Trilateral Research Ltd. You can email them at: [email protected] or write to them at: Trilateral Research Ltd, Crown House, 72 Hammersmith Road, London W14 8TH.
  • spacerIf you have any concerns, you may have the right to make a complaint to a data protection supervisory authority.
      • If you are in the UK, the supervisory authority is the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). You can visit their website at external link arrow icon
      • If you are in the EU, you can find your local data protection authority here external link arrow icon

We last updated this Candidacy Privacy Notice in August 2022